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Department of Orthopaedic
Hip Replacement Surgery

Sri Balaji Hospital is the top destination for hip replacement surgery in Chennai. We prioritise your swift and smooth recovery to help you reclaim your mobility.
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A model of a human hip.

Anatomy of the Hip

A joint is any place in your body where two bones meet. One of the most important joints is the hip joint, which connects your upper and lower body. The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint and one of the largest joints in the body, comprising your pelvis (hip bone) and femur (thigh bone). This joint enables your legs to support your body weight and offers a wide range of motion for your legs and hips.

Hip Replacement Surgery

After knee replacement, hip replacement is the second most commonly performed joint replacement surgery. Often, the need for hip replacement arises from the severe and irreversible damage to both joint surfaces of the hip.

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Types of Hip Replacement

There are several types of hip replacement surgeries. Sri Balaji Hospital is one of Chennai's foremost medical centres for hip replacement surgery. Our team of experts carefully consider multiple factors to decide the type of hip replacement, always putting the patient at the centre of our decision-making process. We take into account:
Patient’s age
Type of disease/injury to the joint.
Duration of damage to the joint.
Patient’s activity level before disease onset/damage to the hip joint.
Total Hip Replacement (Cementless)
X-ray demonstrates severe extensive damage to both hips and the post-operative picture after a total hip replacement.

The above X-ray demonstrates severe extensive damage to both hips, characteristically seen in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. The post-operative picture, after a total hip replacement (done at the same time), is seen on the right-hand side.

Partial Hip Replacement (Hemiarthroplasty)
X-ray of a left hip fracture before and after partial hip replacement.

The X-ray above shows the presence of a left hip fracture sustained by the patient, who subsequently underwent hemiarthroplasty (partial hip replacement).

Our doctors analyse the above-mentioned criteria and decide on any one of the following hip replacement surgeries:
01 Anterior Approach Total Hip Replacement
02 Posterior Approach Total Hip Replacement
03 Partial Hip Replacement
04 Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement
05 Hip Resurfacing

The anterior approach is the most preferred approach to hip joint replacement surgeries. This approach involves accessing the damaged or diseased hip joint through the front of the hip joint. Our doctor decides on the anterior approach based on the patient’s hip condition and age. Our team of experts highly recommends this option, as it gives individuals complete freedom of movement in the hip, with minimal to no limitations.

As the name suggests, this approach involves accessing the damaged or diseased hip joint through the back of the hip joint. This approach is primarily used for patients with hip diseases that have resulted in hip stiffness or complete fusion, depending on the patient's hip condition and age.

Also known as hemi hip replacement, this surgery involves replacing the damaged portion of the thigh bones to the hip joint or the head & neck of the femur. This type of hip replacement helps salvage the cup portion of the hip in its entirety. Hemi hip replacements are, however, reserved for elderly individuals who have sustained hip fractures NOT involving the cup (acetabulum).

This is a very effective form of hip replacement reserved for individuals with mild to moderate hip joint damage. Ortho experts at Sri Balaji Hospital suggest this replacement before the injury or disease impacts the performance of the surrounding muscular anatomy. Additionally, patients without any pre-existing illnesses and a body mass of under 30kg/m square can take part in an active rehabilitation process.

It is a form of hip replacement where only the ball portion of the hip joint is replaced without disturbing the upper part of the femur. This surgical procedure has strict indications pertaining to the person’s age, physical stature, type of hip disease and the extent of the disease. Hence, it is reserved for younger individuals with good bone quality/ strength and WITHOUT any deformity caused by the hip disorder.

Hip Replacement: When Will You Need One?

While hip replacements are fundamentally done to eliminate hip pains, NOT ALL hip pains require replacement or even surgery. However, the two most important factors that are indicative of needing joint replacements are:
Progressive pain resulting in reduced mobility.
As we grow older, the need for mobility increases as we are at higher risk of developing lifestyle and potentially more dangerous diseases like diabetes, high BP or heart problems. Hence, when elderly individuals find that their hip pain prevents them from achieving their daily movement goals (sometimes affecting their ability to even walk short distances to the restroom), a hip replacement will help kickstart their lives and restore their most fundamental right of pain-free movement.
When all other non-surgical treatments have proven ineffective.
When all other treatments for hip pain, such as ice packs, physiotherapy, and hyaluronic joint injections, have not had any effect or offer insufficient relief from pain, a total or hemi (partial) hip replacement may be the best option.

Indications for Hip Replacement Surgery

Age-related osteoarthritis is commonly seen in patients aged 65 and above.
Severe irreparable joint damage resulting from untreated or inadequately treated birth/congenital hip disorders such as Developmental Dysplasia or Perthes disease of the hip joint.
Fractures of the head (ball) of the hip joint or the neck portion of the hip joint (area below the ball) also can require hip replacements. However, this is not always the case, as certain femoral neck fractures may even be treated conservatively or by bone-saving surgeries. This decision is taken based on how long since the injury has occurred, the age, general condition of the patient, and his activity levels prior to sustaining the femoral neck fracture.
Vascular necrosis- a disease of the hip joint resulting from inadequate or complete loss of blood circulation to the hip joint.
Diseases that accelerate arthritis of joints, such as progressive rheumatoid arthritis, untreated gout, and other joint-destroying diseases.

Breaking Myths About Hip Replacement Surgeries

Technological advancements in the field of joint replacement surgeries as a whole, especially hip replacements, have made it very safe and patient-friendly. The procedure:

Decorative time icon.
Does not require prolonged bed rest after surgery.

At Sri Balaji Hospital, we minimise the time spent in bed and ensure the patient starts walking with support within 24 hours of the surgery being performed. Once that is achieved, there is no limit to how much the patient can/should walk afterwards. We encourage our patients to walk more frequently and for more extended periods. We also ensure they are comfortable climbing up and down the staircase within 21 days of the surgery.

Post-operative pain icon.
Minimal post-operative pain.

Recent breakthroughs in pain relief, such as the protocols followed by Sri Balaji Hospital, ensure the patient has a very comfortable and low post-operative pain and minimum dependency on painkillers.

Hospitalisation icon.
Minimal hospitalisation.

At Sri Balaji Hospital, we not only focus on achieving the aforementioned points but also strive to minimise the duration of stay post-hip replacement. In the past 500 joint surgeries performed at our hospital, patients have stayed for an average of 3 to 4 days before they are discharged, completely free from pain.

How to Plan for Hip Replacement Surgery

01 Pre-Operative Period
02 The Procedure
03 Post-Operative Period
04 Post - Discharge
05 Discharge Medication
06 Expected Results by Third Week
07 Expected Results Within the Sixth Week
08 Follow-Up Doctor Visits

Our orthospecialists conduct an initial assessment of the painful joint, followed by an X-ray assessment. They may suggest MRI or CT scans for further joint examination on rare occasions.

We assess the patient’s health condition as the condition of the joint and then decide if they require surgery or not. If surgery is the only option, our doctors will suggest additional tests to confirm the patient’s health status. These tests include (but are not limited to):

  • Blood tests
  • ECG and echocardiogram performed by a cardiologist.
  • Pre-operative assessment by our anaesthesiologist in charge of the patient’s intra-operative anaesthesia.
  • Other patient-specific tests, if proven necessary from the routine pre-op blood tests and/ or if suggested by the specialists involved in the pre-operative health assessment.
  • Hip X-ray of patient having severe arthritis of both hips due to rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Hip X-ray showing left hip fracture for a 71 year old.
  • Hip X-ray showing severe arthritis and damage of left hip.
  • Hip X-ray showing severe damage of left hip joint due to vascular necrosis AVN of left hip.

All joint replacements performed at Sri Balaji Hospital are performed under regional anaesthesia. This means that while the patient remains completely pain-free throughout the surgery, they will always be fully conscious and oriented. This approach minimises the risks associated with general anaesthesia and gives patients a pain-free surgical experience.

During the procedure, the damaged or worn-out joint portion is replaced with a personalised prosthesis designed to resemble the measurements of the patient's natural joint. The prosthesis may be of the following material:

Metal On Poly

In this combination of prosthesis, the metal parts of the joint are made up of titanium or an alloy of cobalt & chromium. The two metallic surfaces of the replaced joint are lined by a spacer made of medical-grade polyethylene.

Oxinium On Poly

Oxidised zirconium on medical-grade polyethylene.

Ceramic On Poly

Comprises a ceramic metal as a joint surface with a spacer made of medical-grade polyethylene.

  • At Sri Balaji Hospital, our patients who have undergone hip replacement can stand/ walk (with little pain) within 24 hours.
  • They are also allowed to be self-sufficient enough to use the restroom themselves with no support.
  • The patient is started on hip & knee bending exercises on day two following the procedure.
  • Our doctors and nurses perform wound inspection, and de-bulking of the dressing is also done on the second day.
  • On days 3 and 4, our physiotherapists guide patients with their physical therapy routine, preparing them to confidently return home to take care of themselves without help.
  • Our ortho specialists will declare the patient fit for discharge at this stage.
  • Hip Post-operation x-rays of both hips after replacement of both hips.
  • Hip Post-operative x-ray after left total hip replacement for the same patient
  • Hip Post-operative x-ray after total hip replacement of the left hip.

The rehabilitation program at Sri Balaji Hospital is designed to enable the patient to successfully do the recommended physical therapy at home without assistance and with immense ease and comfort.

Our doctors may suggest the following medication at the time of discharge:

Mild antibiotic

A week’s dosage to protect the patient from home-acquired infections.

Anti-coagulant (only if necessary)

Our doctor may recommend anti-coagulants for certain patients if their health status deems it necessary. They will also prescribe the dosage based on the patient’s medical requirements.

Pain relief

A mild pain relief tablet for three days.

The patient will be ready for suture (stitch) removal by the 14th day. Between the date of discharge and suture removal, the patient may require one or two dressings. Patients can also opt for surgical wound dressing and suture removal to be performed from the comfort of their homes.

We at Sri Balaji Hospital strive for optimal results for all patients. Our medical treatment and healthcare protocols ensure that most patients walk pain-free without external support by the third or fourth week.

Hence, by the third week, our patients can expect to resume their office duties and daily routine. They can enjoy long walks outside the confines of their homes and visit parks, malls, beaches and places of worship. Our doctors also encourage patients to include climbing up & down the stairs in their daily routine and improve mobility.

By the sixth week, the patient is entirely pain-free. Their hip joint is primed and ready to help them use the staircase multiple times a day without experiencing any pain. They can also resume more strenuous activities at this juncture, including swimming, cycling, running, etc.

After the 6th week, the patient is advised to make a follow-up visit only on two occasions:

  1. During the 3rd month (12 weeks).
  2. One final visit in the 6th month (24th week).
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Sri Balaji Hospital · hip replacement in Chennai - Sri Balaji Hospital
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